Stair-climbing robot for cleaning treads and risers
This study have been working on cleaning treads and risers by stair-climbing robot.
By using the legs, the robot can go up and down stairs. Futhermore, by using a manipulator with a cleaning sponge attached, the robot can do cleaning not only the floor surface (theads) but also the wall surface (risers) on stairs. In addition, the robot can remove and transport obstacles.
Climing stairs
Cleaning theads
Cleaning risers
Research poster (in Japanese)
Related works (in Japanese)
保母 諒太朗, 工藤 俊亮, 木村 航平. 小型階段清掃ロボットにおける踏板・蹴込板の全面拭き掃除とマニピュレータによる障害物除去. 第42回日本ロボット学会学術講演会講演論文集, 1D1-06, 2024.
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