双腕ロボットによる風呂敷の巻きつけ操作 ―指の動作による操作の効率化―


This paper describes a method for dual-armed robots to execute roll-wrapping, which is a wrapping technique for a cylindrical object in furoshiki wrapping. Introduction of finger motion as well as arm motion achieves effective wrapping motion. The movement of fingers is designed based on the relationship between the fingertips and the object. The movement of the object generated by the movement of the fingers and the arms is restricted in consideration of the interference between the fingertips and the table top. The method was implemented into a dual-armed robot with multi-fingered hands. Experiments were conducted to evaluate it.

日本機械学会ロボティクス・メカトロニクス講演会2020 (ROBOMECH2020)